Fermat conjecture and Riemann hypothesis - My discovery about mathematics



Let's write =0 and x{x}=x+1. Let X be a countable and consistent axiom system of

the mathematics by the set theory. Let N" be the individual symbol for which

(1N")x*1 X and


Let d be a free individual symbol. X doesn't include d. Assume that X doesn't include the axiom

of regularity. Let t be the individual symbol for which x*3 X.


Theorem 1.X has a model M for which M |= (dN")(nd) for nN.

Proof. X{dN",0d, 1d,,md} has a model Mm for which

Mm |= d=m+1 and M |= N"=N and consistent. So X"=X{dN",0d,1d,(infinitely)}

is consistent and has a model M. M is a model of X and M |= (dN")d) for nN.

Define M" and s(x) by M" |= s(x)=t when x is an infinite set for M in theorem 1 and

M" |= s(x)=the number of the elements of x when x is a finite set for M and M |= P M"|= P.

M" is a model of Y=X"{x(s({x})=1),xy*4}.




